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Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Do not try to mug up the answers to the text book questions from keys and guides. 2. Do not start panicking about how to appear for the board or science papers. 3. Do not pressurize yourself to get above 90% or think about the result all the time. 4. Always try to understand the subject thoroughly and if you have doubts in science do not hesitate to approach a standard tool of reference or your teachers. 5. Do not keep repeating about a failure in exam in your mind repeatedly. The result is in the hands of God and persuance of work is in your hands. You only get or reap what you sow. 6. Always prepare notes on the subject or topic which you are studying and try to write answers in a simple or brief manner which is easy to understand and always go through your notes so that you remember what you studied previously. 7. If you do not maintain any notes about the topics you have learnt it is quite certain that in future you are most likely to forget the answers and the method as well. Trying to make an attempt to remember the whole science book would only lead to a IInd or a IIIrd division result in the science10 examination. 8. Preparing notes and properly revising your notes daily would yield a first division result in your science10 board examinations.

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